== Encrypted File ==
Boom Whatup


Books I’m Currently Reading

* Neuromancer
* A Song of Ice and Fire - Game of Thrones
* Chainsaw Man
* Ruri Dragon

Book Scores

* How Breathe Becomes Air - 5/5
* Born a Crime - 5/5
* Look Who's Back - 4/5
* The 39 Clues series - 5/5

Games I’m playing

* Cyberpunk 2077
* Red Dead Redemption
* Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
* Love is All Around

Game Scores

* Fallout NV - 5/5
* Fallout 4 - 3.5/5 
* The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 5/5
* GTA 5 - 5/5
* Starfield - 1/5